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  • 准备

    -- 查找模块:sudo arp-scan -I enp3s0 --localnet
    -- 指向地址:
    -- 服务器: dingding teche123
    -- 管理员登录:13800000000 TecheFwd2018
    -- 时序数据库:use rlq_huaian_7_10;
  • 新添加模块 ``` -- 15层西箱,1EE44:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,187ED531EE44,查看可视化界面,创建局域网云端时序子表, 187ed531e9 9个线路 东箱 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘采购’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘总经理’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘总经办’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘接待室’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘企划’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘财务’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘企管’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9cc’ and LineAddress=7;

187ed531ee 6个线路 西箱 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531ee44’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed531ee44’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed531ee44’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共卫生间’ where Mac=‘187ed531ee44’ and LineAddress=5;

-- 11层东箱,1788C:已经在缓存,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,22个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东4’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东2’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东3’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东1’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东5’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东6’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东7’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东8’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东9’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东10’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东11’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东16’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东13’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东14’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东15’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东12’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘北东1’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘北东2’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘北东3’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘北东4’ where Mac=‘187ed531788c’ and LineAddress=20;

-- 11层西箱,22BC0:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,6个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5322bc0’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed5322bc0’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed5322bc0’ and LineAddress=2;

-- 14层西箱,1A3FC:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,6个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531a3fc’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed531a3fc’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed531a3fc’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共卫生间’ where Mac=‘187ed531a3fc’ and LineAddress=4;

-- 14层东箱,177D0:已经指向到服务器,已经在缓存,但不在模块界面也不在数据库,也不是缓存实时数据中,重启该模块

-- 16层西箱,1E310:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,6个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531e310’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed531e310’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed531e310’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共卫生间’ where Mac=‘187ed531e310’ and LineAddress=3;

-- 16层东箱,1F144:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,8个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531f144’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1东会议室’ where Mac=‘187ed531f144’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed531f144’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘南会议室’ where Mac=‘187ed531f144’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed531f144’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1东会议室’ where Mac=‘187ed531f144’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘北会议室’ where Mac=‘187ed531f144’ and LineAddress=7;

-- 10层门锁了

-- 5层西箱,1EFAC:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,5个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531efac’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed531efac’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed531efac’ and LineAddress=2;

-- 7层西箱,1D828:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,187ED531D828,查看可视化界面,创建局域网云端时序子表, 187ED531D828 西箱 7个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ED531D828’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ED531D828’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ED531D828’ and LineAddress=3;

187ed5318c 北箱 24个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南4’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南5’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南6’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南7’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南8’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南9’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南10’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南11’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南12’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南13’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南14’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南15’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南16’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南17’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南18’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北2’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北3’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北4’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=22;

-- 8层西箱,1DF08:服务器重指向并重启,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,5个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531df08’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed531df08’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed531df08’ and LineAddress=2;

-- 9层西箱,228A4:已经在缓存,添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,6个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed53228a4’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed53228a4’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed53228a4’ and LineAddress=2;

-- 4层西箱,22B94,服务器重指向并重启添加开关,删除缓存,可视化界面,创建局域网和云端时序子表,5个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5322b94’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed5322b94’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed5322b94’ and LineAddress=2;

- 以前的模块

-- 2层北箱,187ed531fbc4,8个 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1’ where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘西北1’ where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1’ where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南4’ where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南5’ where Mac=‘187ed531fbc4’ and LineAddress=7;

-- 2层西箱,没有

-- 4层北箱,187ed531e260 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南4’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南5’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南6’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南7’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南8’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南9’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南10’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南11’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南12’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南13’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南14’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南15’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南16’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南17’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南18’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北2’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北3’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北4’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=22;

-- 5层北箱,187ed5325394 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南4’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南6’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南5’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南7’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南8’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南9’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南10’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南11’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南12’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南13’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南14’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南15’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南16’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北3’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南18’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北2’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南17’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=22; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北4’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=23;

-- 6层北箱,187ed5323694,很多个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南4’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南5’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南6’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南7’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南8’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南9’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南10’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南11’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南12’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南13’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南14’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南15’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南16’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南17’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南18’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北2’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北3’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北4’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=22;

-- 6层西箱,187ed53242fc,几个线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed53242fc’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共照明’ where Mac=‘187ed53242fc’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘公共插座’ where Mac=‘187ed53242fc’ and LineAddress=2;

-- 8层北箱,187ed531e9f8,很多线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南4’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南5’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南6’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南7’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南8’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南9’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南10’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南11’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南12’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南13’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南14’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南15’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南16’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南17’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南18’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北2’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北3’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北4’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=22;

-- 9层北箱,187ed531e5fc,很多线路 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南1’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南2’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南3’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南4’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南5’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南6’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南7’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南8’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南9’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南10’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南11’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南12’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南13’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南14’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南15’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南16’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南17’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东南18’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北1’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北2’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=22; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北3’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=23; update KaiGuan set Name=‘东北4’ where Mac=‘187ed531e5fc’ and LineAddress=24;

> 暂存问题

-- 14层东箱,177D0:已经指向到服务器,已经在缓存,但不在模块界面也不在数据库,也不是缓存实时数据中,重启该模块 -- 10层门锁了

> 4-8层改名

-- 4层:187ed531e260 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘410’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘408’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘406’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘402’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘401’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘403’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘405’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘407’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘409’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘411’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘412’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘413’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘415’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘416’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘416’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘419’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘421’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘423’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘426’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘422’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘420’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘418’ where Mac=‘187ed531e260’ and LineAddress=22;

-- 5层:187ed5325394 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘510’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘508’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘506’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘502’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘501’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘503’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘505’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘507’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘509’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘511’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘512’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘513’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘515’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘516’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘516’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘519’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘521’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘523’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘526’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘522’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘520’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=22; update KaiGuan set Name=‘518’ where Mac=‘187ed5325394’ and LineAddress=23;

-- 6层:187ed5323694 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘610’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘608’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘606’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘602’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘601’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘603’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘605’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘607’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘609’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘611’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘612’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘613’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘615’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘616’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘616’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘619’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘621’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘623’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘626’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘622’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘620’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘618’ where Mac=‘187ed5323694’ and LineAddress=22; -- 7层:187ed5318c48 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘710’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘708’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘706’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘702’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘701’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘703’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘705’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘707’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘709’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘711’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘712’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘713’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘715’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘716’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘716’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘719’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘721’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘723’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘726’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘722’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘720’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘718’ where Mac=‘187ed5318c48’ and LineAddress=22;

-- 8层:187ed531e9f8 select Mac, LineAddress, Name from KaiGuan where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ update KaiGuan set Name=‘810’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=1; update KaiGuan set Name=‘808’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=2; update KaiGuan set Name=‘806’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=3; update KaiGuan set Name=‘802’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=4; update KaiGuan set Name=‘801’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=5; update KaiGuan set Name=‘803’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=6; update KaiGuan set Name=‘805’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=7; update KaiGuan set Name=‘807’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=8; update KaiGuan set Name=‘809’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=9; update KaiGuan set Name=‘811’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=10; update KaiGuan set Name=‘812’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=11; update KaiGuan set Name=‘813’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=12; update KaiGuan set Name=‘815’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=13; update KaiGuan set Name=‘816’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=14; update KaiGuan set Name=‘816’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=15; update KaiGuan set Name=‘819’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=16; update KaiGuan set Name=‘821’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=17; update KaiGuan set Name=‘823’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=18; update KaiGuan set Name=‘826’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=19; update KaiGuan set Name=‘822’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=20; update KaiGuan set Name=‘820’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=21; update KaiGuan set Name=‘818’ where Mac=‘187ed531e9f8’ and LineAddress=22; ```