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2020胶州问题汇总.md 96KB

4 år sedan
4 år sedan
  1. # 2020年10月11日
  2. 二期负一层超市S4区,第6排,187ed5328d84的6,7,8号位没关
  3. ```
  4. 二期负一层超市S4区,第6排,187ed5328d84的6,7,8号位没关
  5. --强电给的表中要求这3个线路晚上不关
  6. ```
  7. 一期一楼C区有些灯没关
  8. ```
  9. 一期一楼C区有些灯没关
  10. -- 经确认,一期一楼C区的第2排的模块坏了,导致灯没有关。我已经通知 更换模块。
  11. -- 胶州一期一楼C区第2排,今天晚上场景没有自动分断。发现187ed5328830模块坏了,一直显示离线。我重启了一次也没用。更换一下吧。
  12. --场景设计上了
  13. --查看日志 187ed5328830,线路地址
  14. 2020-10-11 21:03:42.032 [Warning] 模块号:187ed5328830,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,分断,来源:场景自动分断,当前队列:OCClose|1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20|10|"LogApp"
  15. 2020-10-11 21:03:42.033 [Warning] mac:187ed5328830,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20分断成功"LogApp"
  16. --是否报警:离线报警
  17. --IP是143 重启设备,重启后恢复正常,还是离线
  18. ```
  19. 一期二楼B区有些灯没关
  20. ```
  21. 一期二楼B区有些灯没关
  22. --一期二楼B区的日志显示六排分断全部成功,可视化界面上现在显示都关了。如果还是有问题,我需要明确知道具体第几排哪些线路没关?或者明天再观察下。
  23. --场景:
  24. 187ed5328b98,线路地址
  25. 2020-10-11 21:02:00.047 [Warning] mac:187ed5328b98,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16分断成功"LogApp"
  26. 187ed53298d0,线路地址
  27. 2020-10-11 21:02:01.048 [Warning] mac:187ed53298d0,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8分断成功"LogApp"
  28. 187ed532901c,线路地址
  29. 2020-10-11 21:02:02.049 [Warning] mac:187ed532901c,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16分断成功"LogApp"
  30. 187ed5329580,线路地址
  31. 2020-10-11 21:02:03.049 [Warning] mac:187ed5329580,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7分断成功"LogApp"
  32. 187ed5328790,线路地址
  33. 2020-10-11 21:02:04.050 [Warning] mac:187ed5328790,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16分断成功"LogApp"
  34. 187ed5323e64,线路地址
  35. 2020-10-11 21:02:05.051 [Warning] mac:187ed5323e64,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7分断成功"LogApp"
  36. ```
  37. 二期负二负三人行道照明没关
  38. ```
  39. 二期负二负三人行道照明没关
  40. --二期负二负三层不在智能照明系统里。
  41. ```
  42. 照明上下班抽空重新排下
  43. ```
  44. 照明上下班抽空重新排下
  45. --我把你们教会吧。这样你们随便怎么改都行。
  46. ```
  47. 二期一层A区第二排和第六排应该是连廊,不是走廊
  48. ```
  49. 第二排
  50. update KaiGuan Set Name='楼道多控灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='1';
  51. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门连廊灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='2';
  52. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门西连廊灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='3';
  53. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门连廊灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='4';
  54. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门西连廊灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='5';
  55. update KaiGuan Set Name='北二门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='6';
  56. update KaiGuan Set Name='北二门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='7';
  57. update KaiGuan Set Name='北二门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='8';
  58. update KaiGuan Set Name='北二门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='9';
  59. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门东连廊灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='10';
  60. update KaiGuan Set Name='空' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='11';
  61. update KaiGuan Set Name='1号天井扶梯下灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='12';
  62. update KaiGuan Set Name='1号天井上反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='13';
  63. update KaiGuan Set Name='1号天井西过道反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='14';
  64. update KaiGuan Set Name='室外西连廊中间灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='15';
  65. update KaiGuan Set Name='1号天井扶梯侧灯' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='16';
  66. update KaiGuan Set Name='1号天井下反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='17';
  67. update KaiGuan Set Name='1号天井西过道反光' where Mac='187ed532a894' and LineAddress='18';
  68. 第六排
  69. update KaiGuan Set Name='配电室照明' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='1';
  70. update KaiGuan Set Name='2号天井下反光' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='2';
  71. update KaiGuan Set Name='2号天井上反光' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='3';
  72. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='4';
  73. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='5';
  74. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='6';
  75. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='7';
  76. update KaiGuan Set Name='北一门连廊反光' where Mac='187ed5328864' and LineAddress='8';
  77. ```
  78. # 2020年10月12日
  79. 郭:187ed5328830换成187ed531E204
  80. ```
  81. --确定1E204的IP:203
  82. --确定服务器指向:
  83. --登录模块,修改服务器指向,并重启。
  84. --确认新模块缓存数据线路是否完整。1E204,缓存收到这个模块数据,但没有实时数据。要求现场重启一下。
  85. --记录旧模块的开关编号和开关名称
  86. select Id, Mac, LineAddress, Name, DianXiangId from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328830'
  87. in ('1169','1170','1171','1172','1173','1174','1175','1176','1177','1178', '1179','1180','1181','1182','1183','1184', '1185', '1186', '1187', '1188')
  88. 没有开关名称
  89. --记录旧模块的所在电箱:一期一层C区电箱
  90. ```
  91. 郭:二期的开关灯时间,跟一期的改成一样吧,连廊的不变
  92. 监控室
  93. ```
  94. 已经改成和一期一样了。请尽早安排监控室人员操作培训,甲方开业我们可以支持下,但如果一直这样下去,不合理。
  95. ```
  96. 监控室:上下班分组
  97. ```
  98. 上下班已分组。上边是下班场景,下边是上班场景。
  99. 以IsSingle区分
  100. 测试:1
  101. 总共四位数
  102. 下班在前下班在后:下班2,上班1
  103. 二期在前一期在后:二期2,一期1
  104. 楼上在前楼下在后:二楼2,一楼1
  105. 区域A在前区域B在后:A是9,B是8
  106. ```
  107. 监控室:一期二楼三楼B区和C区不到点都开,四楼ABC三个区不到点都开
  108. ```
  109. 一期二楼B区,早上08:56:20自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  110. 一期二楼C区,早上08:56:40自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  111. 一期三楼B区,早上08:57:20自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  112. 一期三楼C区,早上08:57:40自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  113. 一期四楼A区,早上08:58:00自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  114. 一期四楼B区,早上08:58:20自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  115. 一期四楼C区,早上08:58:40自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  116. ```
  117. 监控室:二期超市不到点开。
  118. ```
  119. 二期超市S1区,早上08:10:00自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  120. 二期超市S2区,早上08:11:00自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  121. 二期超市S3区,早上08:12:00自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  122. 二期超市S4区,早上08:13:00自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  123. 二期超市S5区,早上08:14:00自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  124. 二期超市S6区,早上 08:15:00自动合闸,请确认是否是这个时间?
  125. ```
  126. 一期东门天井灯没到时间就亮了。
  127. ```
  128. 没有这个场景。要看具体哪条线路。请告诉是哪个区?第几排?第几个开关?
  129. ```
  130. 监控室:请注意:一期一楼C区的第2排的模块还没有恢复正常,今天晚上不会自动分断
  131. # 2020年10月13日
  132. 郭:187ed5328830换成187ed531E204,又换回187ed5328830
  133. --一期一楼C区的第2排的187ed5328830模块已回复正常
  134. ```
  135. IP是156
  136. 服务器指向是否正确:正确
  137. 服务器数据是否实时:实时的
  138. 是否有离线报警:没有离线报警
  139. 可视化界面是否正常:一期一楼C区的第2排的模块,已正常
  140. ```
  141. 监控室:
  142. ```
  143. 21:30关
  144. 二期负一层S3区
  145. 第一排187ed532c12c 5,9,13,17
  146. 第二排187ed5328658 4,8
  147. 第三排187ed532a7d4 4,8,12,16
  148. 第四排187ed532bfb8 3,7
  149. 第五排187ed532f060 3,7,11,15,18
  150. 第六排187ed532f644 2,6,7,8
  151. 二期负一层S2区
  152. 第一排187ed532a8b4 5,9,13,17
  153. 第二排187ed532bf30 4,8
  154. 第三排187ed532b794 4,8,12,16
  155. 第四排187ed532a8d4 3,7
  156. 第五排187ed532b550 3,7,11,15
  157. 第六排187ed5328ba8 2,6,8
  158. 二期负一层S1区
  159. 第一排187ed532b8b0 4,7
  160. 第二排187ed532c04c 5,9
  161. 第三排187ed532b9dc 5,9,13,17
  162. 第四排187ed532ab90 5,9
  163. 第五排187ed532a62c 3,4,11,17
  164. 第六排187ed5328f44 8
  165. 二期负一层S5区
  166. 第一排187ed532b278 5,9,13,17
  167. 第二排187ed532b940 4,8
  168. 第三排187ed532be78 4,8,12,16
  169. 第四排187ed532a054
  170. 第五排187ed532c2c4 2,6,10,14,18
  171. 第六排187ed532b424 8
  172. 二期负一层S6区
  173. 第一排187ed5329140 10,11
  174. 第二排187ed53291b8 4,7,8,9,13
  175. 第三排187ed532bef4 4,6,9
  176. 二期负一层S4区
  177. 第一排187ed5328db0 5,9,13,17
  178. 第二排187ed532ad70 4,8
  179. 第三排187ed5328fb4 4,8,12,16
  180. 第四排187ed53285a8 3,7
  181. 第五排187ed5328dc0 2,6,10,14,18
  182. 第六排187ed5328d84 6,7,8
  183. 21:00关
  184. 二期负一层S3区:
  185. 第一排187ed532c12c 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,14,15,16,18
  186. 第二排187ed5328658 1,2,3,5,6,7,9
  187. 第三排187ed532a7d4 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,17,18
  188. 第四排187ed532bfb8 1,2,4,5,6,8,9
  189. 第五排187ed532f060 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,16,17
  190. 第六排187ed532f644 1,3,4,5
  191. 二期负一层S2区
  192. 第一排187ed532a8b4
  193. 第二排187ed532bf30
  194. 第三排187ed532b794
  195. 第四排187ed532a8d4
  196. 第五排187ed532b550
  197. 第六排187ed5328ba8
  198. 目前所有的都是21:30左右关
  199. 把所有的都设置成21:00关
  200. 把21:30的排除出来
  201. 更改场景名称
  202. ```
  203. 二期天井照明没开
  204. ```
  205. 请告诉我是哪期哪层哪区哪排几号位的空开?
  206. ```
  207. # 2020年10月14日
  208. 梁:一期一楼C区可视化关了,实际好多没关
  209. ```
  210. 可视化关了吗?--关了
  211. 187ed53257a8,线路地址
  212. 187ed53257a8,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20分断成功
  213. 187ed5328830,线路地址
  214. 2020-10-14 21:03:42.066 [Warning] mac:187ed5328830,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20分断成功
  215. 187ed53287d8,线路地址
  216. 2020-10-14 21:03:41.065 [Warning] mac:187ed53287d8,线路地址:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20分断成功"LogApp"
  217. ```
  218. 梁:可视化界面反应慢的问题
  219. ```
  220. 明天改良一下
  221. ```
  222. 二期4层A区模块,现在都离线。
  223. ```
  224. 187ed5329634 2020-10-12 16:09:38
  225. 187ed5329fa8 2020-10-12 16:06:54
  226. 187ed532c19c 2020-10-12 16:09:38
  227. 187ed5329be4 2020-10-12 16:05:16
  228. 187ed5328b04 2020-10-12 16:09:07
  229. 187ed532c2cc 2020-10-12 16:09:33
  230. ```
  231. # 2020年10月15日
  232. 二期4层A区模块,是否正常
  233. ```
  234. 187ed5329634 2020-10-12 16:09:38
  235. 187ed5329fa8 2020-10-12 16:06:54
  236. 187ed532c19c 2020-10-12 16:09:38
  237. 187ed5329be4 2020-10-12 16:05:16
  238. 187ed5328b04 2020-10-12 16:09:07
  239. 187ed532c2cc 2020-10-12 16:09:33
  240. 所有模块正常。目前报警是手动分断报警。
  241. ```
  242. 1期1-4楼改名称和场景时间。
  243. ```
  244. 有些开关我标上时间了,没标的就是8点55开9点关。麻烦你设置一下
  245. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532492c'
  246. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='1';
  247. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='2';
  248. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='3';
  249. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='4';
  250. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='5';
  251. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='6';
  252. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='7';
  253. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='8';
  254. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='9';
  255. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='10';
  256. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='11' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='11';
  257. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='12' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='12';
  258. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='13' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='13';
  259. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='14' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='14';
  260. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='15' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='15';
  261. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='16' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='16';
  262. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='17' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='17';
  263. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='18' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='18';
  264. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='19' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='19';
  265. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='20' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='20';
  266. 1层A区
  267. 第1排187ed532492c(17) 1不关
  268. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532492c'
  269. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='1';
  270. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯',Code='2' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='2';
  271. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间照明', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='3';
  272. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='4';
  273. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='5';
  274. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='6';
  275. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='7';
  276. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='8';
  277. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='9';
  278. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='10';
  279. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='11';
  280. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='12';
  281. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='13';
  282. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='14';
  283. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='15';
  284. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='16';
  285. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='17' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='17';
  286. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='18' where Mac='187ed532492c' and LineAddress='18';
  287. 第2排187ed5329aec(9) 1,6,7,8,9不管
  288. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329aec'
  289. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='1';
  290. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='2';
  291. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='3';
  292. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='4';
  293. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='5';
  294. update KaiGuan Set Name='中空地插', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='6';
  295. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='7';
  296. update KaiGuan Set Name='中空地插', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='8';
  297. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329aec' and LineAddress='9';
  298. 第3排187ed53218f4(17) 1不关
  299. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53218f4'
  300. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='1';
  301. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='2';
  302. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='3';
  303. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='4';
  304. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='5';
  305. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='6';
  306. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='7';
  307. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='8';
  308. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='9';
  309. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac=187ed53218f4'' and LineAddress='10';
  310. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='11' where Mac=187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='11';
  311. update KaiGuan Set Name='造型内小吊灯', Code='12' where Mac=187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='12';
  312. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='13' where Mac=187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='13';
  313. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='14' where Mac=187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='14';
  314. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='15' where Mac=187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='15';
  315. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac=187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='16';
  316. update KaiGuan Set Name='造型内小吊灯', Code='17' where Mac=187ed53218f4' and LineAddress='17';
  317. 第4排187ed53297f0(9) 1,7,8,9
  318. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53297f0'
  319. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座2', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='1';
  320. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='2';
  321. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='3';
  322. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='4';
  323. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='5';
  324. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='6';
  325. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座3', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='7';
  326. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座4', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='8';
  327. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座5', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53297f0' and LineAddress='9';
  328. 第5排187ed53298b0(17) 1不关
  329. 8 17-21
  330. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53298b0'
  331. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座6', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='1';
  332. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='2';
  333. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='3';
  334. update KaiGuan Set Name='空', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='4';
  335. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='5';
  336. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='6';
  337. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='7';
  338. update KaiGuan Set Name='南雨棚筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='8';
  339. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='9';
  340. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='10';
  341. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='11';
  342. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='12';
  343. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='13';
  344. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='14';
  345. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='15';
  346. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='16';
  347. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间照明2', Code='17' where Mac='187ed53298b0' and LineAddress='17';
  348. 第6排187ed5328b40(9) 1,7,8,9不关
  349. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328b40'
  350. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='1';
  351. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='2';
  352. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带备', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='3';
  353. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='4';
  354. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='5';
  355. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='6';
  356. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='7';
  357. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='8';
  358. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5328b40' and LineAddress='9';
  359. 1层B区
  360. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed5324c78) 1不关
  361. 16-19 17-21点关
  362. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5324c78'
  363. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='1';
  364. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='2';
  365. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='3';
  366. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='4';
  367. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='5';
  368. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='6';
  369. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='7';
  370. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='8';
  371. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='9';
  372. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='10';
  373. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='11';
  374. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='12';
  375. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='13';
  376. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='14';
  377. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='15';
  378. update KaiGuan Set Name='东雨棚灯带1', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='16';
  379. update KaiGuan Set Name='东雨棚灯带2', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='17';
  380. update KaiGuan Set Name='东雨棚筒灯1', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='18';
  381. update KaiGuan Set Name='东雨棚筒灯2', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='19';
  382. update KaiGuan Set Name='轨道灯', Code='20' where Mac='187ed5324c78' and LineAddress='20';
  383. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed53295f8) 1,8不关
  384. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53295f8'
  385. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='1';
  386. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='2';
  387. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='3';
  388. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='4';
  389. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='5';
  390. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='6';
  391. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='7';
  392. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='8';
  393. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='9';
  394. update KaiGuan Set Name='3', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53295f8' and LineAddress='10';
  395. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed5327ddc) 1不关
  396. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5327ddc'
  397. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='1';
  398. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='2';
  399. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='3';
  400. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='4';
  401. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='5';
  402. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='6';
  403. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='7';
  404. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='8';
  405. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='9';
  406. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='10';
  407. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='11';
  408. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带1主1备', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='12';
  409. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带1主1备', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='13';
  410. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='14';
  411. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='15';
  412. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='16';
  413. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='17';
  414. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='18';
  415. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='19';
  416. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='20' where Mac='187ed5327ddc' and LineAddress='20';
  417. 第 4 排 (mac: 187ed5328f84) 1,8,9不关
  418. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328f84'
  419. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='1';
  420. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='2';
  421. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='3';
  422. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='4';
  423. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='5';
  424. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='6';
  425. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='7';
  426. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='8';
  427. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='9';
  428. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5328f84' and LineAddress='10';
  429. 第 5 排 (mac: 187ed5322488)
  430. 12,13,19 17-21点关
  431. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5322488'
  432. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯箱', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='1';
  433. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='2';
  434. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='3';
  435. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='4';
  436. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='5';
  437. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='6';
  438. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='7';
  439. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='8';
  440. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='9';
  441. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='10';
  442. update KaiGuan Set Name='柱子灯带', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='11';
  443. update KaiGuan Set Name='西雨棚筒灯1', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='12';
  444. update KaiGuan Set Name='西雨棚筒灯2', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='13';
  445. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='14';
  446. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='15';
  447. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='16';
  448. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='17';
  449. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='18';
  450. update KaiGuan Set Name='西雨棚灯带1', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='19';
  451. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='20' where Mac='187ed5322488' and LineAddress='20';
  452. 第 6 排 (mac: 187ed53252e0) 1,9不关
  453. 8 17点-21点
  454. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53252e0'
  455. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='1';
  456. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='2';
  457. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='3';
  458. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='4';
  459. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='5';
  460. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='6';
  461. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='7';
  462. update KaiGuan Set Name='雨棚灯带2', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='8';
  463. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='9';
  464. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53252e0' and LineAddress='10';
  465. 1层C区
  466. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed53257a8) 18,19,20不关
  467. 2,3,4,5,6 17点--21点
  468. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53257a8'
  469. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='1';
  470. update KaiGuan Set Name='KTV电梯厅灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='2';
  471. update KaiGuan Set Name='KTV电梯厅筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='3';
  472. update KaiGuan Set Name='KTV电梯厅灯箱', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='4';
  473. update KaiGuan Set Name='KTV电梯厅筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='5';
  474. update KaiGuan Set Name='KTV电梯厅灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='6';
  475. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='7';
  476. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='8';
  477. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='9';
  478. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='10';
  479. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='11';
  480. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='12';
  481. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='13';
  482. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='14';
  483. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='15';
  484. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='16';
  485. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='17' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='17';
  486. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='18' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='18';
  487. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='19' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='19';
  488. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='20' where Mac='187ed53257a8' and LineAddress='20';
  489. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5328830) 1,18,19不关
  490. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328830'
  491. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='1';
  492. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='2';
  493. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='3';
  494. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='4';
  495. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='5';
  496. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='6';
  497. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='7';
  498. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='8';
  499. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='9';
  500. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='10';
  501. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='11';
  502. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='12';
  503. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='13';
  504. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='14';
  505. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='15';
  506. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='16';
  507. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='17';
  508. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='18';
  509. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='19';
  510. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='20' where Mac='187ed5328830' and LineAddress='20';
  511. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed53287d8) 1,19不关
  512. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53287d8'
  513. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='1';
  514. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='2';
  515. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='3';
  516. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='4';
  517. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='5';
  518. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='6';
  519. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='7';
  520. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='8';
  521. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='9';
  522. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='10';
  523. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='11' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='11';
  524. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='12' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='12';
  525. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='13' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='13';
  526. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='14' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='14';
  527. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='15' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='15';
  528. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='16';
  529. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='17' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='17';
  530. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='18' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='18';
  531. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='19' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='19';
  532. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='20' where Mac='187ed53287d8' and LineAddress='20';
  533. 2层A区
  534. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed5329a0c) 1不关
  535. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329a0c'
  536. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='1';
  537. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='2';
  538. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='3';
  539. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='4';
  540. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='5';
  541. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='6';
  542. update KaiGuan Set Name='布衣原色射灯+筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='7';
  543. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='8';
  544. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='9';
  545. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='10';
  546. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='11';
  547. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='12';
  548. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='13';
  549. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='14';
  550. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='15';
  551. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='16';
  552. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5329a0c' and LineAddress='17';
  553. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed53287f8) 1,4,5,6,7,8,9不关
  554. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53287f8'
  555. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='1';
  556. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='2';
  557. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='3';
  558. update KaiGuan Set Name='轨道灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='4';
  559. update KaiGuan Set Name='轨道灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='5';
  560. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='6';
  561. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='7';
  562. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='8';
  563. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53287f8' and LineAddress='9';
  564. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed5324fac) 1,17不关
  565. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5324fac'
  566. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='1';
  567. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='2';
  568. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='3';
  569. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='4';
  570. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='5';
  571. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='6';
  572. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='7';
  573. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='8';
  574. update KaiGuan Set Name='造型内小吊灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='9';
  575. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='10';
  576. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='11';
  577. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='12';
  578. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='13';
  579. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='14';
  580. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='15';
  581. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='16';
  582. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5324fac' and LineAddress='17';
  583. 第 4 排 (mac: 187ed5329c44) 1,5,6,7,8,9不关
  584. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329c44'
  585. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='1';
  586. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='2';
  587. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='3';
  588. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='4';
  589. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='5';
  590. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='6';
  591. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='7';
  592. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='8';
  593. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329c44' and LineAddress='9';
  594. 第 5 排 (mac: 187ed5325014) 1,15不关
  595. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5325014'
  596. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='1';
  597. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='2';
  598. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='3';
  599. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='4';
  600. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='5';
  601. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='6';
  602. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='7';
  603. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='8';
  604. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='9';
  605. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带1主1备', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='10';
  606. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='11';
  607. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='12';
  608. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带1主1备', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='13';
  609. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='14';
  610. update KaiGuan Set Name='轨道灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='15';
  611. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='16';
  612. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5325014' and LineAddress='17';
  613. 第 6 排 (mac: 187ed532a190) 1,5不关
  614. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532a190'
  615. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='1';
  616. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='2';
  617. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='3';
  618. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='4';
  619. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='5';
  620. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='6';
  621. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='7';
  622. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='8';
  623. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532a190' and LineAddress='9';
  624. 2层B区
  625. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed5328b98) 1
  626. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328b98'
  627. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='1';
  628. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='2';
  629. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='3';
  630. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='4';
  631. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='5';
  632. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='6';
  633. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='7';
  634. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='8';
  635. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='9';
  636. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='10';
  637. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='11';
  638. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='12';
  639. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='13';
  640. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='14';
  641. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='15';
  642. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5328b98' and LineAddress='16';
  643. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed53298d0) 1,5,6,7,8
  644. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53298d0'
  645. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='1';
  646. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='2';
  647. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='3';
  648. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='4';
  649. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座1', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='5';
  650. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座2', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='6';
  651. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座3', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='7';
  652. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座4', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53298d0' and LineAddress='8';
  653. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed532901c)
  654. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532901c'
  655. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯箱', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='1';
  656. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='2';
  657. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='3';
  658. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='4';
  659. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='5';
  660. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='6';
  661. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='7';
  662. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='8';
  663. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='9';
  664. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='10';
  665. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='11' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='11';
  666. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='12' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='12';
  667. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带', Code='13' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='13';
  668. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带备', Code='14' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='14';
  669. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带(备用)', Code='15' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='15';
  670. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed532901c' and LineAddress='16';
  671. 第 4 排 (mac: 187ed5329580) 1,4,5
  672. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329580'
  673. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫插座1', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329580' and LineAddress='1';
  674. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫照明1', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329580' and LineAddress='2';
  675. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫照明2', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329580' and LineAddress='3';
  676. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫插座2', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329580' and LineAddress='4';
  677. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329580' and LineAddress='5';
  678. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329580' and LineAddress='6';
  679. update KaiGuan Set Name='3', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329580' and LineAddress='7';
  680. 第 5 排 (mac: 187ed5328790) 1
  681. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328790'
  682. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='1';
  683. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='2';
  684. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='3';
  685. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='4';
  686. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='5';
  687. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='6';
  688. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='7';
  689. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='8';
  690. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='9';
  691. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='10';
  692. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='11';
  693. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='12';
  694. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='13';
  695. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间照明1', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='14';
  696. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='15';
  697. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5328790' and LineAddress='16';
  698. 第 6 排 (mac: 187ed5323e64) 1,4
  699. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5323e64'
  700. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5323e64' and LineAddress='1';
  701. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间照明2', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5323e64' and LineAddress='2';
  702. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5323e64' and LineAddress='3';
  703. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5323e64' and LineAddress='4';
  704. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5323e64' and LineAddress='5';
  705. update KaiGuan Set Name='3', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5323e64' and LineAddress='6';
  706. update KaiGuan Set Name='4', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5323e64' and LineAddress='7';
  707. 2层C区
  708. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed5329b80) 1,15,16,17,18不关
  709. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329b80'
  710. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='1';
  711. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='2';
  712. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='3';
  713. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='4';
  714. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='5';
  715. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='6';
  716. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='7';
  717. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='8';
  718. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='9';
  719. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='10';
  720. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='11';
  721. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='12';
  722. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='13';
  723. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='14';
  724. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='15';
  725. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='16';
  726. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='17';
  727. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5329b80' and LineAddress='18';
  728. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed532570c) 1,16,17,18不关
  729. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532570c'
  730. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='1';
  731. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='2';
  732. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='3';
  733. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='4';
  734. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='5';
  735. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='6';
  736. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带1主1备', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='7';
  737. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带主', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='8';
  738. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带备', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='9';
  739. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='10';
  740. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='11';
  741. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='12';
  742. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='13';
  743. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='14';
  744. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='15';
  745. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='16' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='16';
  746. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='17' where Mac='187ed532570c' and LineAddress='17';
  747. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed532a084) 1,16,17,18不关
  748. 7,8,9,10 17点-21点关
  749. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532a084'
  750. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='1';
  751. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='2';
  752. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='3';
  753. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='4';
  754. update KaiGuan Set Name='照明备', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='5';
  755. update KaiGuan Set Name='照明备', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='6';
  756. update KaiGuan Set Name='北雨棚筒灯1', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='7';
  757. update KaiGuan Set Name='北雨棚筒灯2', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='8';
  758. update KaiGuan Set Name='北雨棚灯带1', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='9';
  759. update KaiGuan Set Name='北雨棚灯带2', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='10';
  760. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='11';
  761. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='12' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='12';
  762. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯箱', Code='13' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='13';
  763. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯箱', Code='14' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='14';
  764. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='15';
  765. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='16' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='16';
  766. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='17' where Mac='187ed532a084' and LineAddress='17';
  767. 3层A区
  768. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed53289c4) 1
  769. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53289c4'
  770. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='1';
  771. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='2';
  772. update KaiGuan Set Name='小吊灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='3';
  773. update KaiGuan Set Name='柱子灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='4';
  774. update KaiGuan Set Name='小吊灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='5';
  775. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='6';
  776. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='7';
  777. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='8';
  778. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='9';
  779. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='10';
  780. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='11';
  781. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='12' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='12';
  782. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='13';
  783. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='14';
  784. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='15';
  785. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed53289c4' and LineAddress='16';
  786. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5329e3c) 1
  787. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329e3c'
  788. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='1';
  789. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='2';
  790. update KaiGuan Set Name='小吊灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='3';
  791. update KaiGuan Set Name='柱子灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='4';
  792. update KaiGuan Set Name='小吊灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='5';
  793. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='6';
  794. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='7';
  795. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329e3c' and LineAddress='8';
  796. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed5329af8) 1
  797. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329af8'
  798. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='1';
  799. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='2';
  800. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='3';
  801. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='4';
  802. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='5';
  803. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='6';
  804. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='7';
  805. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='8';
  806. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='9';
  807. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='10';
  808. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='11';
  809. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='12';
  810. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='13';
  811. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='14';
  812. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='15';
  813. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5329af8' and LineAddress='16';
  814. 第 4 排 (mac: 187ed5324960) 1
  815. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5324960'
  816. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5324960' and LineAddress='1';
  817. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带主天井灯槽灯带备用', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5324960' and LineAddress='2';
  818. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5324960' and LineAddress='3';
  819. 第 5 排 (mac: 187ed5324284) 1
  820. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5324284'
  821. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='1';
  822. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='2';
  823. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='3';
  824. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='4';
  825. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='5';
  826. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='6';
  827. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='7';
  828. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='8';
  829. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='9';
  830. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='10';
  831. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='11';
  832. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='12';
  833. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='13';
  834. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='14';
  835. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带备用', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='15';
  836. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带主', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5324284' and LineAddress='16';
  837. 第 6 排 (mac: 187ed53122f8) 1,4
  838. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53122f8'
  839. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53122f8' and LineAddress='1';
  840. update KaiGuan Set Name='明备1', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53122f8' and LineAddress='2';
  841. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53122f8' and LineAddress='3';
  842. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53122f8' and LineAddress='4';
  843. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53122f8' and LineAddress='5';
  844. update KaiGuan Set Name='3', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53122f8' and LineAddress='6';
  845. update KaiGuan Set Name='4', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53122f8' and LineAddress='7';
  846. 3层B区
  847. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed532a24c) 1
  848. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532a24c'
  849. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='1';
  850. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='2';
  851. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='3';
  852. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='4';
  853. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='5';
  854. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='6';
  855. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='7';
  856. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='8';
  857. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='9';
  858. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='10';
  859. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='11' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='11';
  860. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='12';
  861. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='13';
  862. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='14' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='14';
  863. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带备用', Code='15' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='15';
  864. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带主', Code='16' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='16';
  865. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带主', Code='17' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='17';
  866. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带主', Code='18' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='18';
  867. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带主', Code='19' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='19';
  868. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽内灯带主', Code='20' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='20';
  869. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5329bc8) 1,5,6,7,8,9,10
  870. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329bc8'
  871. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='1';
  872. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层中空灯带1主1备', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='2';
  873. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='3';
  874. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层中空射灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='4';
  875. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='5';
  876. update KaiGuan Set Name='东卫插座', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='6';
  877. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='7';
  878. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='8';
  879. update KaiGuan Set Name='东卫插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='9';
  880. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532a24c' and LineAddress='10';
  881. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed5328754) 1
  882. 13,14 17-21点
  883. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328754'
  884. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='1';
  885. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='2';
  886. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='3';
  887. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='4';
  888. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='5';
  889. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='6';
  890. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='7';
  891. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='8';
  892. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='9';
  893. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='10';
  894. update KaiGuan Set Name='东卫照明1', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='11';
  895. update KaiGuan Set Name='东卫照明2', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='12';
  896. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空射灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='13';
  897. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空射灯', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='14';
  898. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='15';
  899. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='16';
  900. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='17';
  901. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='18';
  902. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯箱', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='19';
  903. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='20' where Mac='187ed5328754' and LineAddress='20';
  904. 第 4 排 (mac: 187ed5323a58) 1,6,7,8,9
  905. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5323a58'
  906. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='1';
  907. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫照明1', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='2';
  908. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫照明2', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='3';
  909. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带1主1备', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='4';
  910. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带1主1备', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='5';
  911. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='6';
  912. update KaiGuan Set Name='东卫插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='7';
  913. update KaiGuan Set Name='东卫插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='8';
  914. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='9';
  915. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5323a58' and LineAddress='10';
  916. 第 5 排 (mac: 187ed5329254) 1
  917. 2,4,5,6,7 17-21点关
  918. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329254'
  919. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='1';
  920. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层本门中空灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='2';
  921. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='3';
  922. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='4';
  923. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='5';
  924. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空灯带1主1备', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='6';
  925. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='7';
  926. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='8';
  927. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='9';
  928. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='10';
  929. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='11';
  930. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='12';
  931. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='13';
  932. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='14';
  933. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯箱', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='15';
  934. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='16';
  935. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='17';
  936. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='18';
  937. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5329254' and LineAddress='19';
  938. 第 6 排 (mac: 187ed532a1fc) 1,6,7,8
  939. 2,5 17-21点
  940. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532a1fc'
  941. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫插座1', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='1';
  942. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空灯带1主1备', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='2';
  943. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='3';
  944. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='4';
  945. update KaiGuan Set Name='1层东门中空灯带1主1备', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='5';
  946. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫插座2', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='6';
  947. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫插座3', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='7';
  948. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='8';
  949. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='9';
  950. update KaiGuan Set Name='3', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532a1fc' and LineAddress='10';
  951. 3层C区
  952. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed5322070) 1,7,8
  953. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5322070'
  954. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='1';
  955. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='2';
  956. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='3';
  957. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='4';
  958. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='5';
  959. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='6';
  960. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='7';
  961. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5322070' and LineAddress='8';
  962. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5329880) 1,6,7
  963. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329880'
  964. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329880' and LineAddress='1';
  965. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329880' and LineAddress='2';
  966. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329880' and LineAddress='3';
  967. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329880' and LineAddress='4';
  968. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329880' and LineAddress='5';
  969. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329880' and LineAddress='6';
  970. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329880' and LineAddress='7';
  971. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed532a148) 1
  972. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532a148'
  973. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532a148' and LineAddress='1';
  974. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532a148' and LineAddress='2';
  975. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532a148' and LineAddress='3';
  976. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532a148' and LineAddress='4';
  977. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带+筒灯灯箱绿线', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532a148' and LineAddress='5';
  978. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带1主1备', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532a148' and LineAddress='6';
  979. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井竖灯带1主1备', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532a148' and LineAddress='7';
  980. 4层A区
  981. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed53208c4) 1,5,6,9,10
  982. 7 17-21点
  983. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53208c4'
  984. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='1';
  985. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='2';
  986. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井北竖灯带1主1备', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='3';
  987. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带1主1备', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='4';
  988. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井广告牌1', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='5';
  989. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井广告牌2', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='6';
  990. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井天花灯带1主1备', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='7';
  991. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井南竖灯带1主1备', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='8';
  992. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='9';
  993. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53208c4' and LineAddress='10';
  994. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5329890) 1,9,10
  995. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329890'
  996. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='1';
  997. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='2';
  998. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='3';
  999. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='4';
  1000. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='5';
  1001. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='6';
  1002. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='7';
  1003. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='8';
  1004. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='9';
  1005. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5329890' and LineAddress='10';
  1006. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed5328af0) 9,10
  1007. 2,3,4,5 17-21点
  1008. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328af0'
  1009. update KaiGuan Set Name='。', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='1';
  1010. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='2';
  1011. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='3';
  1012. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='4';
  1013. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='5';
  1014. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='6';
  1015. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='7';
  1016. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='8';
  1017. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='9';
  1018. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5328af0' and LineAddress='10';
  1019. 4层B区
  1020. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed5323fbc) 1,16-20
  1021. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5323fbc'
  1022. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='1';
  1023. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='2';
  1024. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='3';
  1025. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='4';
  1026. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='5';
  1027. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='6';
  1028. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='7';
  1029. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='8';
  1030. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='9';
  1031. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='10';
  1032. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='11';
  1033. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='12';
  1034. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='13';
  1035. update KaiGuan Set Name='明备', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='14';
  1036. update KaiGuan Set Name='明备', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='15';
  1037. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='16';
  1038. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座1', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='17';
  1039. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座2', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='18';
  1040. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座3', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='19';
  1041. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间插座4', Code='20' where Mac='187ed5323fbc' and LineAddress='20';
  1042. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5329218) 1,17,18,19
  1043. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329218'
  1044. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='1';
  1045. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='2';
  1046. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='3';
  1047. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='4';
  1048. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='5';
  1049. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='6';
  1050. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯带', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='7';
  1051. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='8';
  1052. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='9';
  1053. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫筒灯', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='10';
  1054. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫生间照明1', Code='11' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='11';
  1055. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫生间照明2', Code='12' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='12';
  1056. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间照明1', Code='13' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='13';
  1057. update KaiGuan Set Name='卫生间照明3', Code='14' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='14';
  1058. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='15' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='15';
  1059. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='16' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='16';
  1060. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫生间插座1', Code='17' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='17';
  1061. update KaiGuan Set Name='西卫生间插座2', Code='18' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='18';
  1062. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='19' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='19';
  1063. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='20' where Mac='187ed5329218' and LineAddress='20';
  1064. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed532a2fc) 1,14,17
  1065. 2,11-13 17-21点关
  1066. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532a2fc'
  1067. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='1';
  1068. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井天花灯带', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='2';
  1069. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯带', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='3';
  1070. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井天花灯带', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='4';
  1071. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯带备', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='5';
  1072. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='6';
  1073. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯带备', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='7';
  1074. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='8';
  1075. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯带备', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='9';
  1076. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='10';
  1077. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='11' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='11';
  1078. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='12' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='12';
  1079. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='13' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='13';
  1080. update KaiGuan Set Name='升降机', Code='14' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='14';
  1081. update KaiGuan Set Name='柱子灯带', Code='15' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='15';
  1082. update KaiGuan Set Name='明备', Code='16' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='16';
  1083. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='17' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='17';
  1084. update KaiGuan Set Name='2', Code='18' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='18';
  1085. update KaiGuan Set Name='3', Code='19' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='19';
  1086. update KaiGuan Set Name='灯箱', Code='20' where Mac='187ed532a2fc' and LineAddress='20';
  1087. 4层C区
  1088. 第 1 排 (mac: 187ed53290f0) 1,9,10
  1089. 4,7 17-21点
  1090. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53290f0'
  1091. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='1';
  1092. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='2' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='2';
  1093. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='3';
  1094. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='4' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='4';
  1095. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='5';
  1096. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带', Code='6' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='6';
  1097. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='7' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='7';
  1098. update KaiGuan Set Name='天井灯槽灯带', Code='8' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='8';
  1099. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='9';
  1100. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed53290f0' and LineAddress='10';
  1101. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5329628) 1,9,10
  1102. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5329628'
  1103. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='1';
  1104. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='2' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='2';
  1105. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='3';
  1106. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='4' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='4';
  1107. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='5';
  1108. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='6' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='6';
  1109. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='7' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='7';
  1110. update KaiGuan Set Name='筒灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='8';
  1111. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='9' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='9';
  1112. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed5329628' and LineAddress='10';
  1113. 第 3 排 (mac: 187ed532933c) 1,10
  1114. 8-9 17-21点
  1115. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532933c'
  1116. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='1' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='1';
  1117. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='2' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='2';
  1118. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='3' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='3';
  1119. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='4' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='4';
  1120. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='5' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='5';
  1121. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='6' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='6';
  1122. update KaiGuan Set Name='', Code='7' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='7';
  1123. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='8' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='8';
  1124. update KaiGuan Set Name='马达灯', Code='9' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='9';
  1125. update KaiGuan Set Name='插座', Code='10' where Mac='187ed532933c' and LineAddress='10';
  1126. ```
  1127. # 添加二期二层三层
  1128. ```
  1129. 指向地址:
  1130. 3层
  1131. 3层A区
  1132. 第1排 104CC 205 已指向已重启
  1133. 排序6
  1134. 线路完整
  1135. 第2排 2BECC 164 已指向已重启
  1136. 排序5
  1137. 线路完整
  1138. 第3排 2A9B0 131 已指向已重启
  1139. 排序4
  1140. 线路完整
  1141. 第4排 2BBF0 28 已指向已重启
  1142. 排序3
  1143. 线路完整
  1144. 第5排 29EC0 249 已指向已重启
  1145. 排序2
  1146. 线路完整
  1147. 第6排 2AE0C 158 已指向已重启
  1148. 排序1
  1149. 线路完整
  1150. 二期3层A区上班
  1151. 二期3层A区下班
  1152. 3层B区
  1153. 第1排 2BD4C 238 已指向已重启
  1154. 排序3
  1155. 线路完整
  1156. 第2排 29FA4 123 已指向已重启
  1157. 排序2
  1158. 线路完整
  1159. 第3排 2C154 68 已指向已重启
  1160. 排序1
  1161. 线路完整
  1162. 二期3层B区上班
  1163. 二期3层B区下班
  1164. 3层C区
  1165. 第1排 29828 26 已指向已重启
  1166. 排序3
  1167. 线路完整
  1168. 第2排 2BC04 116 已指向已重启
  1169. 排序2
  1170. 线路完整
  1171. 第3排 2BA30 14 已指向已重启
  1172. 排序1
  1173. 线路完整
  1174. 二期3层C区上班
  1175. 二期3层C区下班
  1176. 3层D区
  1177. 第1排 2B2DC 51 已指向已重启
  1178. 排序6
  1179. 线路完整
  1180. 第2排 273B8 23 已指向已重启
  1181. 排序5
  1182. 线路完整
  1183. 第3排 29F18 147 已指向已重启
  1184. 排序4
  1185. 线路完整
  1186. 第4排 2A818 113 已指向已重启
  1187. 排序3
  1188. 线路完整
  1189. 第5排 2A628 128 已指向已重启
  1190. 排序2
  1191. 线路完整
  1192. 第6排 2BD34 20 已指向已重启
  1193. 排序1
  1194. 线路完整
  1195. 二期3层D区上班
  1196. 二期3层D区下班
  1197. 2层
  1198. 2层A区
  1199. 第1排 2865C 213 已指向已重启
  1200. 排序6
  1201. 线路完整
  1202. 第2排 2BAE8 175 已指向已重启
  1203. 排序5
  1204. 线路完整
  1205. 第3排 2BF80 223 已指向已重启
  1206. 排序4
  1207. 线路完整
  1208. 第4排 288DC 225 已指向已重启
  1209. 排序3
  1210. 线路完整
  1211. 第5排 2C36C 240 已指向已重启
  1212. 排序2
  1213. 线路完整
  1214. 第6排 2B978 241 已指向已重启
  1215. 排序1
  1216. 线路完整
  1217. 二期2层A区上班
  1218. 二期2层A区下班
  1219. 2层B区
  1220. 第1排 2B324 127 已指向已重启
  1221. 排序3
  1222. 线路完整
  1223. 第2排 2B24C 154 已指向已重启
  1224. 排序2
  1225. 线路完整
  1226. 第3排 29674 151 已指向已重启
  1227. 排序1
  1228. 线路完整
  1229. 二期2层B区上班
  1230. 二期2层B区下班
  1231. 2层C区
  1232. 第1排 2C0C0 242 已指向已重启
  1233. 排序3
  1234. 线路完整
  1235. 第2排 28488 129 已指向已重启
  1236. 排序2
  1237. 线路完整
  1238. 第3排 2BC70 124 已指向已重启
  1239. 排序1
  1240. 线路完整
  1241. 二期2层C区上班
  1242. 二期2层C区下班
  1243. 2层D区
  1244. 第1排 29430 146 已指向已重启
  1245. 排序6
  1246. 线路完整
  1247. 第2排 288D4 145 已指向已重启
  1248. 排序5
  1249. 线路完整
  1250. 第3排 2B95C 138 已指向已重启
  1251. 排序4
  1252. 线路完整
  1253. 第4排 2BE90 206 已指向已重启
  1254. 排序3
  1255. 线路完整
  1256. 第5排 28474 137 已指向已重启
  1257. 排序2
  1258. 线路完整
  1259. 第6排 2A59C 136 已指向已重启
  1260. 排序1
  1261. 线路完整
  1262. 二期2层D区上班
  1263. 二期2层D区下班
  1264. 已完成二期2层A,B,C,D,3层A,B,C,D总共两层8个区域的线路创建和场景设置。
  1265. ```
  1266. 季工一期三楼B区第五排第2.我标着是17点开但是现在触发了,你给解决一下把。
  1267. 第四排1.没有触发
  1268. ```
  1269. 第4排187ed5323a58
  1270. 上班场景是否包含1.
  1271. 第5排 187ed5329254
  1272. 下班场景不应该包含2.
  1273. 现在,我把第5排的2.从下班场景里删除了
  1274. 准备从9点上班场景里删除
  1275. 把放到17点开的场景
  1276. 第二排第二个也改成17点开21点关。
  1277. 187ed5329bc8
  1278. 首先从上班场景里删除
  1279. 再把第二排第二个放到17点开的场景
  1280. 已经把第二排第二个放到了17点开的场景中,即"一期天井和雨棚上班"场景
  1281. 二楼A区的第三排第三个和十七个下班场景控制不了。
  1282. 187ed5324fac
  1283. 一楼B区第三排第2.8触发不了
  1284. 187ed5327ddc
  1285. 还是那两个开关下班场景触发不了
  1286. 下班场景里也有这两个开关,难道开关坏了?
  1287. 一楼A区第三排第15个第五排第17个上班场景触发不了
  1288. 187ed53218f4
  1289. 也在场景里
  1290. 纪工一楼B区第五排第12.13.19是雨棚的17点开21点关麻烦你改一下吧
  1291. 187ed5322488
  1292. 先加到雨棚场景
  1293. 一楼A区第五排7.8.9下班触发不了
  1294. 7,9下班
  1295. 8雨棚上班
  1296. 187ed53298b0
  1297. 一楼A区第五排7.9已经加到下班场景里了
  1298. 纪工你看一下二期负一超市夜间照明没开
  1299. 总共6个,对吧?
  1300. 都正常
  1301. ```
  1302. # 2020年10月17日
  1303. 一些问题
  1304. ```
  1305. 纪工二期负一S5区第六排第五个上班场景触发不了
  1306. 187ed532b424
  1307. 二期负一S5区第六排第五个已经编在场景里了。
  1308. 二期负一S2第四排第四个上班场景也触发不了你给看一下吧
  1309. 187ed532a8d4
  1310. 二期负一S2第四排第四个处于手动分断状态,系统无法控制。请注意:所有现场手动分断的开关,系统都无法控制。
  1311. 关于二期负一层超市夜间照明和其它灯一起关了的问题。
  1312. 目前,S1-S6的下班场景中,不会对以下线路关闭。请大家确认以下的夜间照明是否和领导说的夜间照明是一回事?
  1313. 二期负一层超市,S6 第二排(187ed53291b8) 线路13
  1314. 二期负一层超市,S5 第六排(187ed532b424) 线路8
  1315. 二期负一层超市,S4 第六排(187ed5328d84) 线路8
  1316. 二期负一层超市,S3 第六排(187ed532f644) 线路8
  1317. 二期负一层超市,S2 第六排(187ed5328ba8) 线路8
  1318. 二期负一层超市,S1 第六排(187ed5328f44) 线路8
  1319. ```
  1320. 2期1层或2期4层
  1321. ```
  1322. -- 2期1层C区所有模块还没告诉我
  1323. -- 2期1层D区第1排模块还没告诉我
  1324. -- 2期4层B区第3排模块找不到,请确认模块号是否是187ED532BB78?
  1325. 2期1层
  1326. A区
  1327. 第1排
  1328. 第2排
  1329. 第3排
  1330. 第4排
  1331. 第5排
  1332. 第6排
  1333. B区
  1334. 第1排 2B208 149 已指向已重启
  1335. 排序3
  1336. 线路完整
  1337. 第2排 29128 109 已指向已重启
  1338. 排序2
  1339. 线路完整
  1340. 第3排 2BB20 135 已指向已重启
  1341. 排序1
  1342. 线路完整
  1343. 二期1层B区下班
  1344. 二期1层B区上班
  1345. C区
  1346. 第1排 28E04 222 已指向
  1347. 排序3
  1348. 线路完整
  1349. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed5328e04'
  1350. 没有
  1351. 第2排 283F0 219 已指向
  1352. 排序2
  1353. 线路完整
  1354. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed53283f0'
  1355. 没有
  1356. 第3排 2BA70 75 已指向
  1357. 排序1
  1358. 线路完整
  1359. select Mac, LineAddress,Name, Code from KaiGuan where Mac='187ed532ba70'
  1360. 没有
  1361. 二期1层C区下班
  1362. 二期1层C区上班
  1363. D区
  1364. 第1排 2AD60 220 已指向已重启
  1365. 排序6
  1366. 线路完整
  1367. 第2排 299F8 18 已指向已重启
  1368. 排序5
  1369. 线路完整
  1370. 第3排 294F0 12 已指向已重启
  1371. 排序4
  1372. 线路完整
  1373. 第4排 2BEF8 86 已指向已重启
  1374. 排序3
  1375. 线路完整
  1376. 第5排 2558C 22 已指向已重启
  1377. 排序2
  1378. 线路完整
  1379. 第6排 2C264 163 已指向已重启
  1380. 排序1
  1381. 线路完整
  1382. 二期1层D区下班
  1383. 二期1层D区上班
  1384. 2期4层
  1385. A区
  1386. 第1排
  1387. 第2排
  1388. 第3排
  1389. 第4排
  1390. 第5排
  1391. 第6排
  1392. B区
  1393. 第1排 2B414 90 已指向已重启
  1394. 排序3
  1395. 线路完整
  1396. 第2排 2B274 185 已指向已重启
  1397. 排序2
  1398. 线路完整
  1399. 请重启或检查线路
  1400. 已正常
  1401. 第3排 2B878 118 已指向已重启
  1402. 排序1
  1403. 请重启或检查线路
  1404. 二期4层B区下班
  1405. 二期4层B区上班
  1406. C区
  1407. 第1排 2BD7C 195 已指向已重启
  1408. 排序3
  1409. 线路完整
  1410. 第2排 2BFC4 192 已指向已重启
  1411. 排序2
  1412. 线路完整
  1413. 第3排 2ADEC 111 已指向已重启
  1414. 排序1
  1415. 线路完整
  1416. 二期4层C区下班
  1417. 二期4层C区上班
  1418. D区
  1419. 第1排 2B838 74 已指向已重启
  1420. 排序6
  1421. 线路完整
  1422. 第2排 28454 41 已指向已重启
  1423. 排序5
  1424. 线路完整
  1425. 第3排 2B234 232 已指向已重启
  1426. 排序4
  1427. 线路完整
  1428. 第4排 2C2B8 101 已指向已重启
  1429. 排序3
  1430. 线路完整
  1431. 第5排 28FC0 166 已指向已重启
  1432. 排序2
  1433. 线路完整
  1434. 第6排 2B5D8 197 已指向已重启
  1435. 排序1
  1436. 线路完整
  1437. 二期4层D区下班
  1438. 二期4层D区上班
  1439. ```
  1440. 2期负2层AL1区
  1441. ```
  1442. 2期负2层AL1区第一排尾号2BCC8,还没在局域网找到 253
  1443. 14扶梯灯
  1444. 15扶梯底灯
  1445. 16观光前厅灯
  1446. ```
  1447. 纪工二期一楼A区下班场景没有触发
  1448. ```
  1449. 21:32:30关,还没到时间。
  1450. ```
  1451. 二期四楼下班场景也没有触发你顺便看一下吧
  1452. ```
  1453. 21:32:50关,还没到时间。
  1454. ```
  1455. 纪工超市负一S4第六排第七个第八个都是夜间照明咱只设了第八个。你把第七个也添加上吧。
  1456. ```
  1457. 187ed5328d84 7 从s4下班删除
  1458. 已处理
  1459. ```
  1460. 二期4层A区没有关
  1461. ```
  1462. 187ed532c19c 3排
  1463. 187ed5329be4 4排
  1464. 二期4层A区3排和4排现在关了
  1465. ```
  1466. # 2020年10月18日
  1467. ```
  1468. 2期1层B、C、D区和2期4层B、C、D区,已完成线路添加和场景设置。极个别部分设备还未上线,正在处理。
  1469. 以下需要完善:
  1470. -- 2期1层C区所有模块还没告诉我
  1471. -- 2期1层D区第1排模块还没告诉我
  1472. -- 2期4层B区第2排模块找不到,请重启或检查线路,并确认模块号是否是187ED532B274?
  1473. -- 2期4层B区第3排模块找不到,请重启或检查线路,请确认模块号是否是187ED532BB78?
  1474. -- 2期负2层AL1区第一排187ED532BCC8,还没在局域网找到
  1475. 10:23
  1476. 以下需要完善:
  1477. -- 2期1层C区所有模块还没告诉我
  1478. -- 2期负2层AL1区第一排187ED532BCC8,还没在局域网找到
  1479. 16:00
  1480. -- 2期负2层AL1区第一排187ED532BCC8,还没在局域网找到
  1481. ```
  1482. 一期一楼A区有一些合闸的,需要关掉吗?
  1483. ```
  1484. 第 4 排 (mac: 187ed53297f0) 1 7 8 9
  1485. 第 5 排 (mac: 187ed53298b0) 1
  1486. 第 6 排 (mac: 187ed5328b40) 1 7 8 9
  1487. 不是
  1488. ```
  1489. 一期一层C区第二排没关
  1490. ```
  1491. 第 2 排 (mac: 187ed5328830)
  1492. 当前状态不是手动分断,是正常系统自动分断。
  1493. ```
  1494. 2020年10月19日
  1495. ```
  1496. 纪工二期负一S4第五排10个开关没触发你看一下吧。
  1497. --在S4下班场景中漏掉了,已添加至"二期负一层超市S4区下班21点关"场景。
  1498. 187ed5328dc0 10
  1499. 21点场景,没有这个场景中
  1500. 21:30场景,没有在这个场景中
  1501. 放到21点场景中
  1502. 二期负一S6第三排第九个也没触发。
  1503. 187ed532bef4
  1504. --在S6下班场景中漏掉了,已添加至"二期负一层超市S6区下班21点关"场景。
  1505. 二期负一S3第五排第七个也没触发
  1506. --在S3下班场景中漏掉了,已添加至"二期负一层超市S3区下班21点关"场景。
  1507. 187ed532f060
  1508. 二期负一第四排第三个第七个也没关 187ed532a8d4
  1509. 第八排第七个也没关 第5排 187ed532b550
  1510. --在S5下班场景中漏掉了,已添加至"二期负一层超市S5区下班21点关"场景。
  1511. ```
  1512. # 2020年10月20日
  1513. ```
  1514. 一期二层C区第三排北门雨棚灯
  1515. 187ed532bc70
  1516. 一期二层C区第三排没有北门雨棚灯。确定这个线路吗?确定这个线路在一期二层C区第三排吗?
  1517. 一期二层C区第三排北门雨棚灯的名称,你已经编好了,你再看一下
  1518. 187ed532a084
  1519. 7,8,9,10
  1520. 添加到一期天井和雨棚上班
  1521. 从一期二层上班中删除
  1522. 二期1-4第一排是不是没添加进去
  1523. --已经在"二期1层D区下班"场景里,并且没有报警,再观察下
  1524. 187ed532ad60
  1525. 二期1-4第5排第12个是不是没添加进去,现场没问题
  1526. --确实没加到"二期1层D区下班",已加上了。
  1527. 187ed532558c
  1528. 二期一层1-3的第三排,有东门室外雨棚麻烦给看一下时间,下午发现提前亮了
  1529. 二期一层C区第三排187ed532ba70 5号
  1530. 二期天井和雨棚上班
  1531. 从二期一层C区上班中删除
  1532. --已创建"二期天井和雨棚上班",下午17:00开。但只找到二期一层C区第三排5号的开关。这一点需要注意,因为利群的领导一直在强调,但一直没有人把实际线路和系统内的线路完全对应起来。
  1533. 今天晚上二期三楼连廊位置留灯,晚上有人干活。
  1534. D区
  1535. 第一排2、3、7、13、15、17、18 187ed532b2dc
  1536. 第二排4、5 187ed53273b8
  1537. 第五排 2、3、4、5、7、9、187ed532a628
  1538. 第六排2、5、6、7、8、 187ed532bd34
  1539. ```
  1540. # 2020年10月21日
  1541. ```
  1542. 二期雨棚关 1262
  1543. 187ed532ba70 5
  1544. 利群胶州购物广场,二期一层,1-3下班场景中删除
  1545. 一期天井和雨棚下班 1259
  1546. 187ed5324c78 16,17,18,19 利群胶州购物广场,一期一层,B
  1547. 187ed5322488 12,13,19
  1548. 187ed53252e0 8
  1549. 187ed53257a8 2,3,4,5,6 利群胶州购物广场,一期一层,C
  1550. 187ed5329a0c 1 利群胶州购物广场,一期二层,A
  1551. 187ed532a084 7,8,9,10 利群胶州购物广场,一期二层,C
  1552. 187ed5328754 13,14 利群胶州购物广场,一期三层,B
  1553. 187ed5323a58 2,4,5,6,7利群胶州购物广场,一期三层,B
  1554. 187ed532a1fc 2,5 利群胶州购物广场,一期三层,B
  1555. 187ed53208c4 7 利群胶州购物广场,一期四层,A
  1556. 187ed5328af0 2,3,4,5
  1557. 187ed532a2fc 2,11,12,13 利群胶州购物广场,一期四层,B
  1558. 187ed53290f0 4,7 利群胶州购物广场,一期四层,C
  1559. 187ed532933c 8,9
  1560. 187ed5329bc8 2 利群胶州购物广场,一期三层,B
  1561. 187ed5329254 2,4,5,7,9
  1562. 187ed53298b0 8 利群胶州购物广场,一期一层,A
  1563. ```